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Branding, Corporate Identity, Webdesign
GLKB Sound of Glarus 2022
Corporate Design, Branding, Visual, Webdesign, Artdirection
Glarner Alpenbitter
Branding, Produktedesign, Visual
Gastrorollbar Glarus
Branding, Visual, Logodesign
Logodesign, Corporate Identity, Branding, Visual
Corporate Identity, Branding, Visual
Kulturgesellschaft Glarus
Corporate Identity, Branding, Visual, Webdesign
Peter Bamert Bodenwelten
Webdesign, UX Design, Webkonzept
Saisonende GLKB Arena
Plaktdesign, Visual
Festschrift: 100 Jahre Kulturgesellschaft Glarus
Buchdesign, Layout und Gestaltung
Ernst nehmen - Mediation und Coaching
Branding, Corporate Identity, Creative Director, Naming
Bergtal by Glarussell
Branding, Produktedesign, Corporate Identity
GLKB Boulderhalle
Corporate Identity, Branding, Visual, Webdesign
Illustration Bahnhof Glarus
Die visuelle Art & Weise zu kommunizieren.
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